mothers There are newspaper articles that strike.
The newspaper is, in many cases, a window on worlds other than the usual, and I do not speak of the life of the stars or politicians.
is why today I wanted riporatare this article and my comments.
The essay published in The Wall Street Journal
"Madre Oriental, inflexible and better"
A Chinese professor at Yale: so I brought my girls
The rules of Chinese mother
Amy Chua Amy Chua ae daughters
ae daughters
MILAN - "Why do Chinese mothers are superior" is the title of an essay published Saturday in The Wall Street Journal. Since then not only is this article
most read and commented on the online site, with more than 3,600 readers after the number is increasing by the hour, but is depopulated on Facebook too: they've already shared much
187,462 Friends updated since last night .
What is this? The author Amy Chua, a professor of Law at Yale University Law School, teaches how to bring up their children to make them small
genes in mathematics see the results of students in Shanghai in recent OECD PISA test and wonders in music. The success of the young Chinese
, says Chua, is in fact the method of education imposed by the Chinese mothers.
You do know the sweet Italian mothers super hyper protective and apprehensive with their children even when they are no longer children? Well
Chinese mothers are exactly the opposite of the stereotypical Italian. The Italian mother is a mother hen, as China is a tiger. As the title of the book
from which is extracted Chua's essay, "Battle Hymn of the mother tiger."
The Chinese method is made of discipline, rigor and severity, to the nth degree. According to the author it is the coercion that leads to excellence.
and lists some of the rules put into practice with his two daughters, Sophia and Louisa. The handbook includes not invite friends to play or go by, do not sleep
out, do not watch TV or giocare con i videogames, non lasciare ai figli la scelta delle attività extra-scolastiche, pretendere il massimo dei
Troppo? Perfino quando i genitori occidentali pensano di essere severi non si avvicinano neppure lontanamente alle madri cinesi. Per dare un'idea, Chua
racconta come riuscì a far imparare a Louisa, quando aveva circa 7 anni, a suonare al pianoforte un pezzo del compositore francese Jacques Ibert, «Il piccolo
asino bianco». Un pezzo molto bello, ma assai complicato per una bambina, perché «le mani devono suonare ritmi completamente diversi in modo schizofrenico»,
ricorda. Lulu non riusciva a suonarlo. Nemmeno dopo una settimana di esercitazioni non stop. Così the mother tiger becomes un'aguzzina. Hides the beloved
dollhouse of her daughter, and promises to give it away piece by piece to the Salvation Army, if not learn "The little white ass"
to perfection for the next day. Threat to blow it up lunch and dinner, not to make them more gifts at Christmas, to abolish the birthday party for 2, 3, 4 years in a row. The
offends calling lazy, cowardly, spineless, pathetic.
Not even the intervention of her husband Jed stops her mother tiger, because those are not insults, she is only "motivating" the daughter, is justified. The mother tiger
is willing "to be hated." But his method does not give up. Just back from daughter and continues to torment her, using "every weapon and tactic"
that comes to mind. Mother and daughter trying to plan for the entire evening until late at night, skipping dinner. Lulu can not even get to drink or to go to the bathroom
. The house is now "a war zone," full of screams. Then, suddenly, Lulu manages to play the piece. It is "so radiant" he would not stop playing
more. The moral of
Chua is that parents are very concerned about Western self-esteem of their children. But as a parent, one of the worst things you can do to
self-esteem of their children and to surrender it in front of an obstacle, he says. There is no better way to gain confidence
discover that they can do something you do not think you can do. But it can
excellence in music or in other scientific disciplines to the happiness of our children? That was enough skills to succeed in life
? On these dilemmas are confronted readers. A snowball. In the post just about everything. Of course, prevails indignation at the concentration camp system.
What is also, many wonder, creativity, sociability, the importance of learning to work as a team? The Chinese method, however, also collects
supported, especially by those who are few and do not believe that the permissiveness of Western countries have gone too far. Certainly the tema è «caldo»,
perché tocca temi sensibili come l'educazione dei figli, le differenze culturali e il nazionalismo. La discussione è aperta.
Giuliana Ferraino
Questo articolo mi piace e non mi piace insieme.
Mi piace, perché trasmette un messaggio molto forte: il non arrendersi mai.
Ma al contempo aborro il metodo usato da questa donna, la cosidetta mamma tigre.
Quello che mi da più fastidio del metodo con cui sono state educate queste ragazze, e, credo, molte altre figlie di famiglie orientali,