Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Old Pop Bottles For Sale

review: Pension Eva (Andrea Camilleri)

I love Montalbano. I think I read half the books featuring the Sicilian Commissioner. Certainly I've read all those in the catalog of audio books.
This is not a book about Montalbano. This novel is about a fictional brothel, a fictional village in an imaginary province, in Sicily in the late 30th and the beginning of the last world war.
Start you back with the plot, always taken from Ibs Italy and the board of the book, just to make you some idea.
Title: Pension Eva
Author: Andrea Camilleri
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2006
Pages: 188
For Pension Eva rooms of the casino Vigata newly renovated and upgraded by the third to the second category, transit figures and characters
provincial and sleepy. And this "closed house" becomes the background of a real novel training first and then sweet cruel. Every fortnight the six
"kid" of the departing board, and get new, is among those who spent their youth carnal presence of Nene, and Ciccio Jacolin.
an unforgettable time, because "the stories we could count those kid would have allowed him to understand. Qualichi understand something munnu lu,
of life."

********** A holiday fiction. Thus Camilleri sets this novel in a frank note at the end of the book (which is worth to be read if only to note at the end of the novel). Maybe it's because the writer is quite nice Sicilian me or because this book has a touch of freshness and youth, despite being written by a man who has spent the eighties and that is an issue suprarenals heavy as a teenager during the war . I really enjoyed this book, I will not hide. I read in a few hours pleasantly relaxed style of witty yet lightweight Camilleri.
This book is written in his pseudosiciliano. That it is not true Sicilian, is a mixture of Southern ialetti some quirk in greek, French and other languages. I found a site that analyzes term by term the language Camilleri. Yet this Sicilian is more fluid and understandable as that used in his other novels because it is difficult to interpret.
We speak of love, which is the main component of the book, although addressed in an original and veiled.
This is not the Platonic love of love and even lived and troubled. This is love for life. Simple, innocent and sincere desire to live. The same
that begins the novel with a protagonist little more than a child who discovers the rudimentary mechanics of sex and extreme shyness begins with the first, if you can call them so, copulating.
And then we talk about this brothel prostitutes, and of these, che non potrebbero essere più differenti fra loro di così. C'è la puttana comunista (e lo dice Camilleri), quella più bucolica ed ingenua e quella sottomessa e dolce.
Ed è grazie ai racconti ed alle carezze di queste donne, che il protagonista ed i suoi amici iniziano a vivere nel mondo degli adulti.
E poi, alla fine, il finale sorprendentemente ben scritto e colto, pieno di tenerezza, riguardo e grettezza insieme.
È un libro memorabile, anche se non esemplare. Ma è bello perché descrive aromi, sapori, sensazioni che non ritroverai mai più!


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