Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hl-dt-st Gh40f Firmware

pearls of wisdom n ° 3 @

returned. The PC is back, more or less untouched. Anchia
are returned.
And this time about people doing stupid that there is irony in the world.
Yesterday, the physical education teacher was absent and did what I believe to be replaced by the alternate most idiotic ever seen in my life.
the first hour I spent sitting alone on a bench in the gym, trying to dodge the balls that were repeatedly fired dalla mia parte. No comment.
Ma ora parliamo di come si è aperta la lezione.
Dopo l'appello, il segnare gli assenti e le altre pratiche di rito, io alzo timidamente la mano e chiedo come possa fare a giocare a palla americana o qualcosa del genere.
Durante le ore normali una compagna viene obbligata o non dalla prof a darmi una mano nel correre.
Ora vi riporto il dialogo svoltosi, un'autentica chicca.
Io alzando la mano (nota bene che prima mi ha indicato per quattro volte, poi ha capito che non ci vedevo): ehm professore, io come posso fare a giocare a palla americana?
Prof: beh, tu come fai a leggere?
Io ero interdettissima: beh, leggo in braille.
P: la scrittura con i puntini?
Me: right. But I do not understand what American has to do with the ball.
P: You know, I was not aware of having an anomaly in this class. (I was not even a serial killer)
Pio: I understand, but this has nothing to do with the ball American. So now we do? (I was not so determined, but the words were those roughly)
P: and you know, if we had more people like yourself could make you try to build a coalition to do activities appropriate for your condition. But since we do not like your other, you'll be on the bench. (The words are correct, I swear)
Now tell me: but this man is a graduate (I assume), young and not so old and should have some 'common sense to be a teacher. Explain how do you tell a quantity of assorted rubbish in three minutes.
I swear that I was annoyed. Then I saved up some 'self control and I simply sat down and burst out laughing convulsively.


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