Monday, January 17, 2011

Fully Patched Heart Gold English

Portrait of a Lady Tigers

Oggi mi è venuta voglia di imbrattare di nuovo le pagine di questo blog.
Voglio dire, non che non ci abbia provato tutti i giorni dall’epifania now, but always delete everything.
I want to talk about books, for a while '.
I want to talk about this book, I started reading before Christmas and I set aside for being too nice.
Why this book is a true pearl is beautifully written.
Portrait of a Lady, Henry James. Force anyone to read it, is a life lesson.
six hundred forty-two pages are not too easy to read. But I think you reach the end it's worth it. Unfortunately I've only read about eighty pages, the book is still on the table.
But I gathered from articles and asterisks here and there, a sufficient quantity of quotes to make a post. Then
carry all these beautiful quotations, in order, as well as I scored in separate word files. Precise
one thing, if it were for those who asked. When I say I mean the asterisk put an asterisk on the best sentences, the so-called quotable quotes. Reading all the books in audiobook or e-book, it is easier to find them.

Copy also the opening words of the book, so to entice them. Write a review for this novel as soon as I finish.
In some respects there are few hours in life more pleasant for those dedicated to the ceremony of afternoon tea. There are circumstances in which both
who takes the tea or not - there's gente che non ne vuol sapere – quel momento è in sé delizioso. Le condizioni alle quali io penso, incominciando a
scrivere questa semplice storia, offrivano un assetto mirabile per l'innocente passatempo. Gli oggetti necessari alla piccola cerimonia erano stati disposti
sulla prateria di una vecchia casa di campagna inglese, nel cuore di uno splendido pomeriggio estivo. Una parte del quale era già trascorsa, ma ancor molta
ne rimaneva, ch'era della più bella e fine qualità.

So che non è splendido come incipit, ma ora vi invoglio con qualche citazione.
Visto che su wikiquote c’è segnato anche il numero della pagina, lo ricopio fedelmente. Ma non so se sia esatto, I did not check.
Citations (then tell me what you think)
• It is foolish to doubt themselves as would doubt his best friend, indeed you must seek to be your best friend and live in so
chosen company. (P. 48)
• One does not renounce his country as it does not renounce his grandmother are both up prior to his choice of the complex elements of his life
that can not be completely eliminated. (P. 86) •
rich call the people that are able to produce impulses of his own imagination. (P. 177) (in my opinion is as beautiful quote)
• When a friendship continues to grow, begins immediately a declinare, non essendoci alcun punto di equilibrio tra il piacer di più e il piacer meno. (p. 315)

Beh spero di avervi allettati a sufficienza… Se così non fosse vi invito a vedere prima il film ispiratosi al libro.
Confesso di non averlo visto, ma credo sia fatto molto bene.


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