Heineken cambia grafica: nuova bottiglia!!
Heineken has announced the global roll-out of the new iconic bottle of Heineken, completing the redesign of its brand on the packaging . The redesign is intended to streamline the visual identity of the brand, enhance the premium positioning of the brand and make it more consistent and recognizable logo in all 170 markets in the world where Heineken ® is present. The new bottle will be proposta in cinque dimensioni diverse (contro i 15 formati precedenti) e sarà disponibile in Europa Occidentale, all'inizio del 2011 e in tutto il resto del mondo entro il 2012. Il progetto di ridisegnare il marchio Heineken è stato condotto da un team funzionale composto da global marketing e supply chain, con la partecipazione dei vari responsabili dei singoli mercati.
Si tratta di una bottiglia in rilievo, che mostra un’ellisse nel collo e un logo in rilievo sul retro. Il nuovo contenitore, più leggero del 5% per la bottiglia in vetro, è nato dalla volontà di Heineken International di razionalizzare la gamma delle sue bottiglie verdi con la stella rossa per rendere il marchio più facilmente riconoscibile. Heineken will pass from the previous fifteen bottles of different size in just five dimensional formats. This is also to achieve economies of scale in purchasing. In addition, the Heineken brand has been enhanced and its iconic emblem (the red star, symbol of the world's most recognizable beer) has been raised over its logo. The other novelty is the use of tactile ink that could improve grip and extend the perceived quality of the product.
Mark van Iterson, head of Global Design & Concept Heineken, said: "We believe that with a bottle recognizable global brand Heineken increase further its strength. The bottle will reinforce the visual identity of the packaging that made the tactile mark on the can and bottle. As market leader we are proud to be progressive in terms of design as in terms of taste. "Van Iterson added:" Our consumer is focused on the details. That is why Heineken has devoted time and resources to update this design .... We considered every detail of the package to ensure our customers enjoy a sophisticated subtle but significant difference, and the consumer response has been excellent. They consider the new modern design, attractive and innovative "
The Heineken brand, which bears the family name of the founder, is available in almost every country in the world and is the leading international brand of premium beers. Additional information is available on Heineken and Beernews
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