Sunday, December 5, 2010

Printable Invitations To Death Anniversary

chronicle hospital

Sorry. Sorry if I have not written anything in two days.
Excuse me, I pray. I intended to write, but it was very bad to sit and imagine the pc recently operated on the stomach.
Hospital of Bergamo, in comparison to hospitals in Switzerland, an old-fashioned and dreary place. But in Switzerland, in terms of hospital is another world compared to Italy.
arrive on Thursday morning, Thursday December, gray, snowy not for luck.
arrive on the ward.
first bad news: the common room.
sleep with my mother and I have a bit 'of problemini, and I have a lot of discomfort when there are many people in the room. There were six: two girls, two moms plus Mami and me. A cot
mom, a bed patient. There. Let's talk, those beds. It was to be split on the back, or were very hard, or were covered with soft and yielding.
I had to be made to the two and finish at four o'clock, I ended up at six and a half, between waking and all. I have tied the stomachino around the esophagus, a kind of scarf. There were three doctors, more nurses, the anesthesiologist and the staf.
Well, I went out under these conditions: feeding tube in his nose, points to the stomach, dazed and angry a lot because of that tube.
The first thing I told the doctor what was your opinion?
"I'm hungry!"
was to be expected ...
I have not insulted anyone, strangely. Apart from a poor nurse that I said take off (exact words) 'I'm fucking tube otherwise I'd taken it I bare hands. I was sedated, mind you.
The night was hell. The drip that made a noise like a printer, the infusion of two girls who made the same noise, the tube that I prevented her from breathing and pulling points. Luckily the girls were quiet.
nettamnete The next day went better: I have pulled that tube, fortunately, and breathed normally.
No food, of course. And chamomile tea, plus a drip. Magnifique. I read the sequel to Gone with the Wind ... I've almost finished, I will tell you.
the evening I think it was the best moment. it is strange how in a hospital room, friendship, confidence can be born for a trifle. especially mothers, because I and the girls had little to do, given the age differentissima.
And so, with the light coming and going, the DVD of Barbie here, beyond that of Snow White), they, perché guardare lo stesso vd o guardarli con le cuffie era proprio complicato) le chiacchere partono. E partono le battute, e le risate. Ed a me che ridere fa male. Tirano i punti, e quando i punti tiravano e lo stomaco si lamentava, piangevo.
Ho pianto parecchio, il primo giorno d'ospedale. Lo stomaco "nuovo" aveva bisogno di abituarsi, e la sera, unito alle visite chiassose, c'era poco da sorridere.
Poi sabato, il giorno in cui ripresi a mangiare.
Mangiare è una parola grossa, eh. Pastina stracotta e yogurt, niente di più. Il problema era muoversi. Nonostante i punti che tiravano, non era un gran problema. Quello che faceva male, e parecchio, era tutto il sistema cervicale-collo-spalle, che era indolenzito ed era stato nella stessa posizione per quattro ore.
Piano piano, sono riuscita anche a muovermi, piangendo come una fontana.
Oggi va nettamente meglio. Dimessa a mezzogiorno, con la raccomandazione di mangiare solo liquidi e mousse per un mese (farò impazzire la Mami con richieste del tipoo: mousse di salmone affumicato, frappé al latte di mandorla) e con la promessa di vederci fra una settimana: perdo sempre due ore di inglese, manco a farlo apposta.
Adesso riescoa muovermi abbastanza bene, mangiare non è un problema. L'unico problema è radizzarsi, e non camminare ingobbita.
è passata anche questa, dai!



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