Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Such Your Own Penis

Birra Felix.Le giornate delle birre artigianali

L’EVENTO _________________ _______________________________
Dal 10 al 12 dicembre, Sorrento ospita la prima edizione di “Birra Felix. Le Giornate delle Birre Artigianali”.
L’iniziativa è promossa dall’associazione Slow Sud e dal Birrificio Sorrento e si svolgerà nell’area of Kontatto Cafe Sorrento in Piazza Angelina Lauro.
will be an opportunity for the public to get closer to a world, that of 'art brewing, with strong growth of fans in our country.
Guests of the 2010 will of microbreweries Campania and Lazio .
The program of three days, sponsored by the Province of Naples and the Sorrento Town Council, states: twenty-tasting beers, local produce - from Provolone del Monaco DOP of the dairy Apreda pork, all ' olio extravergine di oliva penisola sorrentina dop del Consorzio di tutela – e di dolci creati da Antonio Cafiero ,  Luciano Russo e Gennaro Prisco , laboratori del gusto condotti da Lorenzo Dabove , in arte Kuaska, uno dei maggiori esperti internazionali di birre artigianali e da Gianluca Polini , docente Slow Food , con la partecipazione di rappresentanti dell’ Ais , l’Associazione italiana sommelier.
In calendario anche: una tavola rotonda dal titolo “Birre artigianali, mondo in fermento” alla quale prenderanno parte, tra gli altri, lo chef pluristellato Gennaro Esposito, owner of the Torre del Saracino, a crush publication, edited by Marco Maietta of the "beer ... you learn" that will offer everyone the opportunity to see closely the process of production of beer, and a free course taught by tapping Ugo Tower Brewery Babette. The Consortium
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Dop Sorrento, chaired by Tullio Edwards will be present with a booth in which to have information about this extraordinary character of the district food of the Sorrento coast.
Many guests confirmed, including Leonardo Di Vincenzo , Beer the Village, one of the most respected brewers Italians.
________________________________________ Friday, December 10

11.00 Round Table "craft beers, world in turmoil." Participants Gennaro Esposito, chef and owner of Torre del Saraceno, Rita Abagnale, national director of Slow Food, Lorenzo Dabove, an expert on craft beers, Lavinia Castellano , nutritionist, Ugo Torre, president of Ascom-breweries of Fipe Naples, Giuseppe Schisano of Sorrento Brewery. Moderate Luigi D'Alise, president of the South Slow
12.00 am Opening Stand
15.00 18.00
tasting Laboratory Laboratory tasting
Saturday 11 December
Stand opening
11.00 15.00 18.00
tasting Laboratory Laboratory tasting
Sunday 12 December
9.30 Cotta Public
11.00 am 11.00 am Opening Stand
tapping Course (free)
HOW DOES BEER FELIX __________________________________
the entrance to the location you will find the box where you can buy tickets from € 2.00 which will be "the manifestation of domestic money "
No. 1 ticket = a tasting craft beer
No. 2 tickets = the savory (Provolone del Monaco DOP, pork and bread with extra virgin olive oil dop Sorrento Peninsula)
No. 2 tickets = the sweet dish (lemon struffoli Antonio Cafiero, cake with walnuts Luciano Russo and muffins hops Gennaro Prisco)
Purchased tickets will find the eight locations where the tap beers (between 15 and 20 different types) will be served, on tap and / or bottled directly from brewers who showcase their creations, will explain the reference style and will be available to answer your questions. You will also find the locations where they serve the culinary excellence, cakes and Corner Shop where you can buy bottles of beer that you liked the most or the ones that you could not taste. Could be a great and original gift idea for Christmas.

Taste Workshops _______________________
will be served by an individual AIS and tasting glass teku glass, 5 or 6 beers, some of which are served only in laboratories and other served even in preview absolute. Kuaska Polini and explain, in Italian , English and French , so simple and fun, what is a craft beer and how to taste and provide the means base in the right way to approach this world.
To participate in one of four taste workshops, send an e-mail to , specifying the number of people, date and time chosen from the following:
Friday, December 10 - 15 hours
Friday, December 10 - 18 hours
Saturday, December 11 - 15 hours
Saturday, December 11 - 18 hours
Laboratories - for which there is a participation fee of € 15,00 - are by Lorenzo Gianluca Dabove and Polini.
breweries _________________________________________

Brewery Campania Sorrento - Sorrento (Na)
The Cloister - Nocera Inferiore (Sa)
Karma - Alvington (Ce)
Maneb - Striano (Na)
Medatus - Vitulano (Bn)
Saint Jonh's bier - Faicchio (Bn)
Birra del Borgo - Borgorose (Ri)
Brewery Turan - Montefiascone (Vt)

The occasion might be good for both beòòa take a trip along the coast and join a nice day birrofila with the hunt for some new coaster, maybe in the stands ... ..
The official event website is:


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