Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sasuke Sakura Lemon Fanfiction

Tennent's Tavern: i sottobicchieri

As promised here I am to speak of those who are microbreweries present in my region and material collections that these breweries have issued over the years.
The first one I reviewed was the brewer Tennent's Tavern of Pagani (SA) , without a doubt the brewery in Campania has issued more coasters and has a huge availability of its sending when the pieces are required, which while "devalues" the piece, the other allows everyone to put the piece in the collection you want.
The first pieces were released 4 oval : over time have also been reported by other coasters slightly different color, but I found myself going there often different. The fact is largely due to printing errors if you will, and then, at least for me, not even to be considered as variants as present in the same cells that were attached to the local brewery, then the simple errors are mainly due to the large amount pieces that the brewery releases of each coaster. These pieces are oval rear advertised, including one (I seem to remember the red) that was made without advertising on the back.

After the release of these pieces oval, present for a long time in the collectible, the brewery changed the logo, even on glasses. I have two types: one with the logo in blue and that takes a yellow square in the middle of the coaster that you see below, made with white back.
Then it was the turn of the coaster round (aesthetically ugly) but also emitted in large quantities.
After Coaster square brackets also Tennent's fell into the trap of imitation coasters. In fact, the coaster package or if you prefer, then square issued was made in huge quantities, if I remember correctly about 20,000 pieces, yet I myself have over 200 of my double.
After this parenthesis, from my point of view, unfortunately, the subtle coaster, and the beer is back on track churning out a traditional coaster round, in due varianti: una con fronte e retro uguali e una col solo fronte e retro bianco.
Quest’ultima in quantità nettamente inferiori alla media della birreria, tanto è vero che tutt’ora ci sono collezionisti che non lo hanno in collezione
After this description I give you ... see you next brewery which I will make a brief review and a panoramica sui sottobicchieri emessi: la Saint John’s Bier di Faicchio (BN)


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