Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trade Me Tooth Mousse


Capita che in un momento in cui si ha bisogno di conforto, si guarda fra le cose che il conforto lo creano in automatico.
Ogni tanto (ogni tanto spesso, ultimamente) capita che io rilegga le poesie del Poeta che ho messo sul diario.
Se le avessi available to all, I would probably copy all (so all his books) in the diary already too long.
but since it's not, I'll settle for five or six poems, one of those so beautiful to make you tear a tear of emotion, affection and tenderness
I decided to keep a poem to put in here for today, to light a candle in this period for me is gray gray as the sky so to speak.
I had to choose between two poems: one dedicated to the daughters of the poet or the prof dedicated to his wife?
I thought about that a little over two ily 'because I already had a wife on the set and because there are many mothers, many people who read this blog.
This is beautiful.
I can not say anything else, is a beautiful poem. Read
.... Re-read if you like.
not speak anymore, I think we have the poet. To my daughters

There you are, as night falls on regional

here where women

doze and dream of someone, but you do not leave me

while the cart pulled by slave boy

strikes against the seat where I write

- and 'the life of the poor, slavery' wages

Sunday bristling with sharp edges.

But you are there, behind the locust

are on the horizon that will turn

as the train crosses my country,

you water in the background and also the line of hills in the distance

clothes pearl

first night navigation
Antonia eyed leaf and you glowing Life

pure iris against the sky, I would like the

My smile provincial

help you live between the walls

as mica, if you see it in a stone,

I wish my words could have

light pebbles from the riverbed

and shadow reflected in 'water,

I have taught compassion

not only for the woman with no hands but also

for men who believe they have the head,

I let the beauty of the grass common

the contra of the branches in the wind

mild gaze of my mother in the kitchen

the dreams of those who are 'disappeared without a will

applications of the moon in the firmament.


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