Collezionare etichette di birra
Collecting label also means knowing the world, certainly in an original and unique ... but you can "travel" along with the fantasy ... together with different labels open spaces such as African or South American seas and beaches, lush ...
What is a label of beer?
The first labels of beer appeared in the UK, then gradually spread across Europe ... and the rest of the world ... beginning
not exist, the brand of beer was simply printed directly on the bottle also because there was nor the need to understand what was in the bottle nor the dates ...
Finding labels
goes without saying that the quickest but also the most expensive is to drinking beer bottle and then remove the labels. The problems in this way are essentially two: one due to poor reperebilità brand brewers and the other to the fact that the labels, however, tend to ruin.
Another method is to write directly to breweries, many will offer you a lot of material because the labels are read and then the cost of the factories are very limited. Another method
are small markets where you can sometimes find real gems and meetings of collectors, where you can find wines from all over the world.
My advice is still to collect even more materials like brewer coasters and caps, you will be divided as to sharing compensation for labels that best suits you.
Preservation and Cataloging
There are collections stored in file cabinets, in old shoe boxes, in plastic bags, and anything else EXERCISE. Divided by nations, regions, cities.
only example of the Heineken brewery, or just that you like ....
The problem is the amount of material: it is huge, so many specialize in many different ways.
My advice is to pick what you like, both in terms of pure "curiosity" both in terms of graphics (eg le etichette asatiche sono senz’altro più intriganti di quelle tedesche!)
buona collezione a tutti
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