"There is no alternative"
Codename: TINA, TINA factor
(pronounced as Bond James Bond )
The message, at the time of economic crisis that is harassing our most optimistic hopes for the future, it is more timely than ever.
If one morning you wake up, go to the office, and after 2 hours is laid off at 0 hours, what do you do?
Cali trousers, or pull up the phone?
Pull up the phone, because life goes on, the work ennobles man and should arrive later this month, possibly eating. (Etc etc)
Pull up the phone.
"There is no alternative"
But what you'll find the other side of the phone will depend on you.
From what you've built your reputation to work.
From how you interacted with people with whom you have worked over the years.
I'm not talking about social networks.
Throwing an eye on Facebook profiles, for example, in 99% of cases under seeking : reads networking.
I am free to say that:
- 80% of these people do not know what that means, he copied from other profiles;
- 10% find it 'cool';
- the remaining 9% translates it into his head with 'dog'.
Networking is a constant and demanding.
that has nothing to do with the shared link to a song on a bulletin board. Can
essere virtuale o meno, ma spesso inizia (e prosegue) con un lavoro ben fatto, con un compito portato a termine con soddisfazione delle parti, con un sorriso, con la cortesia sullo sfondo di ogni scambio.
Networking è empatia, per come lo vedo io.
E' armonizzare le lunghezze d'onda dei diversi pensieri.
E' realizzare una poliedrica unità.
E' creare molteplici possibilità.
Di ricollocamento.
Di riciclo.
Di rinascita.
E' restare attivi e vivi.
Ben stagliati sullo skyline delle opportunità.
E quindi in evidence.
conclusion, if you made good networking, you can stay in layoffs suddenly pull up the phone and see recycled in a few days.
For a commitment even in a minor key, but will give you the opportunity to meet other people, learn skills to add.
sowing seeds, both in your field, and in that of others.
Networking is growing.
Networking, there is no alternative.
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