Come incrementare le visite sul tuo blog Guida in tre punti:
1 – Seriamente, credete davvero che se qualcuno avesse la ricetta per diventare famosi e per incrementare sensibilmente il vostro traffico, la scriverebbe mai su un blog? Eddai.
2 – Create un post come questo riceverete un migliaio di visitatori per il solo post (se ben indicizzato su Google). Because everyone wants to become famous, and everyone is looking for the answer to their thirst for fame on Google.
3 - Create a blog with annoying colors, preferably red to blue (I once saw a blog written with pink on purple background, I swear) full of animated gifs that sbrillucicano, write small, very small and bad. Never forget from time to time to apologize for not writing. Blockbuster insured.
Seriously. There is only one way to become famous. Everything has its price, as opposed to fortune and fame requires that you give something in return.
Do ut des.
This thing is the dignity. Or alternatively a flexible morality can be useful for this purpose.
The populace is tired of worshiping the great, great are snooty, overflowing with pride, hideously pretentious. It's understandable, when one becomes the king of mediocrity, you can not wait to feel superior to you.
The truth is that only the genes do not need to be told they are smart, the only true artists do not need the public, and only those who are truly strong do not need to hurt anyone. These people do not ever meet in your life, are well hidden, not needing anyone not find it.
So when you elect someone to get on a throne, that someone will be a mediocre.
But we were talking about dignity. Take for example
he or she
not have talent and are famous. They understood everything about life, they understood that what the people want now is someone to pull fruit and vegetables. We were saying, the big conceited, pompous and pretentious, so the people would pull his fruits and vegetables, but they are big, and often have the knife from the handle.
And here comes a new business: the making
take the piss. Excellent
in this time of economic crisis.
If you have the courage to put your dignity on the pan that you pay the mortgage this month, have turned. Why
human pettiness knows no bounds, we are used to hate and despise the other for small differences. Just a skin a bit 'darker or a slightly different thought to kill each other.
So this business is profitable, because it fulfills the basic needs of human beings:
- get someone to take the piss, so you feel better
As Pinhead
says: If you have a talent you should not bring you down, must be the thing on which to build your confidence.