Monday, October 18, 2010

Watercolor Paper Stretcher

Chocolate and Beer arrives in Naples ... ... Ciobar

An important festival devoted to beer and artisanal chocolate take place in Villa Park Floridiana Naples respectively during the last two long weekends in October for the beer (2 2, 23, 24 and 29, 30, 31 October 2010 ) and, continuously, from 4 to November 7, 2010, for chocolate, with opening hours from 10.00 to 19.00, with possible extensions of time for Saturday night. In parallel, starting from 22 October 2010 to January 16, 2011, in ground floor rooms of the Museo Duca di Martina, with two distinct paths exhibition ( that of chocolate (this) and Beer (bi)) , will be an exhibition, with its catalog, dedicated to due importanti nuclei della collezione Placido de Sangro: quello dei boccali da birra in avorio, grés, porcellana e vetro e quello dei servizi da cioccolata in porcellana, vetro e argento prodotti da manifatture orientali e occidentali.

Per la sezione dedicata alla birra , le sale sono allestite in modo da contestualizzare, attraverso arredi e dipinti, la ricca collezione di oltre quaranta boccali del duca di Martina, realizzati, tra il Cinque e il Settecento, in differenti materiali - avorio, grès, vetro, porcellana - tra la Germania e l’Olanda. I boccali sono messi a confronto con quelli presenti nelle nature morte tedesche, come le straordinarie tele di Johann Georg Hinz (Hamburg, Kunsthalle). In addition, to illustrate the practices related to beer in late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, between the Netherlands and Flanders, Flemish paintings are on display with internal inns David Tenier and throat as an allegory of the cardinal sin of Jacques de Backer, from Art Gallery of the Capodimonte Museum.

In the large space in front of the museum, marked by the dramatic backdrop of neo-classical facade of the Villa are set up three large tents to house the stands and the sale of beer and chocolate artisan producers active in the field of Campania .
Exhibitors are were selected by experts and, especially, by Hugh Torre, president of Ascom-FIPE breweries and Province of Naples, and Joseph Noble, an expert in cocoa and chocolate, according to criteria of excellence, quality and sustainability of the processes productive.

Brewing present at the exhibition grounds

In the multipurpose room of the exhibition the public can participate To:

  • tasting classes taught by master brewers and maitre chocolatier ;
  • demonstrations of production techniques and craftsmanship with national and international experts;
  •          premiazione del concorso per produttori dilettanti di birra domestica;
  •          incontri di educazione alimentare volti alla conoscenza e al corretto consumo dei due alimenti dedicati al pubblico delle scuole, in linea con quanto promosso dalla XXX Giornata Mondiale dell’alimentazione del 16 ottobre;
  • reading of literary texts related to two drinks;
  • themed film screenings;
  • themed concerts.

Admission fee
Floridiana Villa Park and Museum of Martina
via Cimarosa 77 pesto for the sequel to Sin City

get updates and this time directly from director Robert Rodriguez and producer of the first chapter devoted to the graphic novel by Frank Miller

scegllie and to do the social network Facebook

The director explains that he and Frank are preparing a new script which then will be written a screenplay and film

should be a top priority in the work of Robert, then just finished his Spy Kids 4, currently under production.
The news could then turn up their noses to the fans
Marvel, as the director was among the directors vying for possible Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds, and good news regarding the sequel to a film very much appreciated as The director also indicated the possibility of recovering Source:


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