I do not know why, but when I think of this phrase I think of my bags. A personal and professional.
You know, you're wondering why?
I think the content the bag of a woman is really the discovery of a world and a mode of being.
We are what we carry.
a careful analysis of grants feminine product companies could gain infinite number of stimuli and opportunities.
Everyday I drag behind the city, and indeed for the city (everywhere I travel for business or pleasure), two weights.
always seems ready to leave for a mission impossible, charge weight and embellishments, tools and ideas and all the people who know me for years asking me the same question: But what do you carry? It 's all I need one? (Click here to do business for companies product, the whole business is superfluous)
I open my bags!

- a 13-inch Mac laptop
- a red box with: pc power supply, reducing power adapter, multi
country - with a black box: 2 / 3 USB sticks, 1 hard disk recorder with a USB cable to repay the notes on a PC, a multi card reader, a USB cable for iPod, a PC data cable / Bb
- 1
calculator - a hard disk backup
STAFF BAG - BB + Headset
- I-Pod
Wallets - Purses
- Mini Kit medicine
- phone book (there is ever lost all numbers registered on the phone?)
- Agenda (still can not use those electronic)
- Cartons for the pens (one for each color pencil + rubber + + mine)
- Diary notes A5 strictly elastic recoil
- Camera (it's my second visual memory)
Tissue Paper - Tissue humidified
- lipstick + lip pencil
- Brush / mirror
- White Musk perfume oil
- Eyeliner
- Business Cards
- Patches
- Booklet notes expenditure or current account held
- Keys to the House
- Keys office
- Toothpaste / Toothbrush Travel
- Crema per le mani
- Metro
Visto quello che mi porto dietro ogni volta che sono a Londra saccheggio tutti i prodotti travel compliant da Boots (creme, colluttori, dentifricio, etc.). Mentre a Roma trovo i quaderni appunti.
E voi? Cosa vi portate dietro?
Cosa vi identifica?
Cosa comunicate?
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