I have read and reread the post by Rosita.
see again and her photo.
analyzed its lists.
And I'm a living witness that its scholarships are actually organized as follows.
I once saw him go out a tourniquet. And a serum
grants are Mary Poppins, the problem solvers made and finished.
Rosita, corresponds to her bags.
I mine, or my (depending on the period, the number of ballast that I paste to carry around), I feel ashamed a bit '.
not to carry it around, so that is closed, and therefore less than human beings with X-rays, no one can see that contains the primordial chaos.
which corresponds more or less like this (in fact this is the summer version reduced)
I do not what's in my bags.
fills them with the heat of war refugees.
But without criteria.
I assure you that there are only keys, wallet, documents, credit card and mobile phone.
Can I bring something back for centuries, from lipstick to charge batteries, without ever using it.
And have a desperate need exactly the day after I downloaded at home.
When stock exchange transfer only the 5 essential components mentioned above, the rest I leave them.
When I take a bag after a few months sometimes, I find things I was looking for a long time.
Sometimes even dinosaur eggs.
And I swear commitment. Sometimes I
cleaning cards and receipts when they prevent me from quickly find your wallet.
I try to organize them with several clutch.
But all that ends up in the clutch as if you disappear into a hole nero.
Resta nella pochette inutilizzato.
A volte tento di disciplinarmi passando a micro borse, seguendo la logica che individua almeno un 90% di cose inutilizzate negli effetti personali che mi incollo in giro per mondo.
Poi mi ritrovo con il cellulare in bocca, le chiavi in tasca e la borsa sempre aperta per esondazione di materia...
Quindi? Questo cosa comunica?
Che io sono come le mie borse?
O che le mie borse sono il subconscio della mia anima?
O che mi sfogo nel disordine interno/borsa per la pretesa di ordine estremo che impongo a me stessa nel quotidiano?
Non lo so, ma le mie borse sono irrimediabilmente così.
Forse quando le disciplinerò avrò raggiunto un nuovo livello of evolution ...
Or maybe I've lost a notch of creativity.
your case, that part of you?
Conscious, unconscious, subconscious, that you would like to hide, but that which disowned still can not help but bring you back, one that expresses your needs?
Who / What to say?
What / who follows you every day over the shoulder?
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