Saturday, July 17, 2010

Straightening Short Hair


Spring 2008, morning, pizza in Brera.
I have to meet for the first time Rosie Dassisti.
I've heard so much from a mutual friend, but I never had the opportunity to meet you personally.
I know that a person is super busy, always moving, with such determination. Other
do not know.
I have a little 'fear, I meet her to work, I come from anything, I took a sabbatical from publishing and perhaps have the opportunity to work with her.
has two major ongoing projects.
It needs a hand.
could be mine.
I imagined all different.
I imagined a bundle of nerves and tendons, jerky and detached.
all wrong. Rosita
smiles so much, always, and will send positive with that smile. Rosita
envelops you with its energy.
Rosita is a whirlwind, can not pass unnoticed.
Rosita enters a room and takes control of the situation, but you do not feel cheated out of anything, feel relieved that you can trust her. Groundhog
to breathe normally, I entrust to Rosita.
Rosita has extraordinary priorities: first eat, then we talk and I'll explain. It
Chief! We eat, we talk.
rivers I take notes.
In my working life are for the first time in front of a person who shares.
really share the information, ideas, ideas. But above all
shares its know-how, which I assure you 'is so much stuff'.
And it does so without thinking twice.
Because he knows that planting the seed, it helps to give birth to more ideas, leading to confrontation, improvement, the ideal solution.
I write, I watch, listen, write, write, listen, I watch, I write.
I feel like I have not done anything else in life, I am excited, ready to leave, to commit.
Here, Rosita knows motivate.
And if you believe, the result is extraordinary.
Thus began the adventure.
And I've never been disappointed.
time, I always found.
no time, I always felt.
Doubtful, I could always ask.
And all this is not so obvious. With her next
know that everything will always control .
Who would not tackle a new project, change, adventure backed up by such a person?
No one I think. So
Let them take the helm.
will take us far.


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