Carp Zone: synonymous with quality carp &
Beloved by Andrea
The market is now saturated with carp farms trying to find new place in an environment free of space and full of competition.
There are few companies that are able to assert itself, and even fewer of those who supply products of excellent quality and workmanship. One of
all hit me from several years now ... is the unmistakable Carp Zone, founded by Pierre
Negri and Rossano Balducci to which is added by the 2009 Andrea Chiurchiù .
Taking a chat with these anglers standing you can see how their experience includes many years of activity during which they have fished in much of Europe and beyond. From this we can deduce why the high value of their products!
Any company can produce a good article, but it is only experience that can improve
The range of products that distinguish the brand has expanded year after year
providing the customer with such a wide choice that few other companies can boast.
Research minuziosa del massimo valore dei prodotti ed un rispetto del concetto qualità/prezzo,
aspetti alla base del pensiero di questa azienda, creano un mix vincente che tutti i carpisti possono assolutamente accertare utilizzandone gli articoli.
Molti di voi carpisti saranno stati al Carpitaly 2010... qual è stato lo stand più ricco di articoli nuovi, che ha mostrato un'innovazione continua ed evidente?
Voglio solo vedere quanto tempo occorrerà prima che questi vengano praticamente copiati nei minimi particolari da altre aziende. There are few companies that are able to assert itself, and even fewer of those who supply products of excellent quality and workmanship. One of
all hit me from several years now ... is the unmistakable Carp Zone, founded by Pierre
Negri and Rossano Balducci to which is added by the 2009 Andrea Chiurchiù .
Taking a chat with these anglers standing you can see how their experience includes many years of activity during which they have fished in much of Europe and beyond. From this we can deduce why the high value of their products!
Any company can produce a good article, but it is only experience that can improve
The range of products that distinguish the brand has expanded year after year
providing the customer with such a wide choice that few other companies can boast.
Research minuziosa del massimo valore dei prodotti ed un rispetto del concetto qualità/prezzo,
aspetti alla base del pensiero di questa azienda, creano un mix vincente che tutti i carpisti possono assolutamente accertare utilizzandone gli articoli.
Molti di voi carpisti saranno stati al Carpitaly 2010... qual è stato lo stand più ricco di articoli nuovi, che ha mostrato un'innovazione continua ed evidente?

nuova tessitura mimetica, la canna da pesca “Packy Rod
are just some of the innovations introduced this year in international premiere at
Carpitaly. Since 2009
lovers can indulge themselves as small
want from the variety of items made available.
door-lead, pipes, PVC tubes, scissors, shock leader, weights, lead core, hooks, terminal high value for money, ... you can find just about anything in the line Carp Enemy.
latter (due to the great persistence of Pierre Negri) is directly and exclusively distributed by
Carp Zone because of its origins

made with fresh eggs and homemade ingredients
complete the organoleptic point of view, accompanied by the recent introduction of steam cooking that stands
flavors and preserves its nutrients.
But a question arises: how to keep your boilies? Well ... The solution that the Carp Zone
found is absolutely effective and durable, and is based on the use of stabilizing Carp Enemy,
made it absolutely harmful or toxic substances for the carp (I'm not a chemist, but graduated in
" Science for Nature and Environment ", so trust me!)
Since 2009, been introduced for those who need to make significant spending a little baiting with boilies economic different flavors, ranging from fish to fruit, until the corn.
These baits are priced around 50 € for 10 kg, a very affordable price to everyone that you provide to carp bait simple but rich in carbohydrates, high energy and easily digestible.
Not everyone loves to buy ready-made baits, which is why the Carp Zone provides all the possible ingredients for a self-made boilies highest level. This is made possible by the Natural Extract which includes a range of products and flour obtained from the best suppliers in the Italian and European markets; to

Di cose di cui parlare ce ne sarebbero a decine (aromi, buffetteria, tende, canne dapesca...), e proprio per questo non posso che proporvi di visitare il sito di questa ditta: (purtroppo, da quel che so, ancora non è stato aggiornato ma lo sarà prossimamente).
Entro breve sarà stampato il catalogo 2010 al cui interno sono descritti tutti i prodotti in vendita che potrete trovare direttamente alla Carp Zone a Recanati o nei negozi di pesca direttamente forniti dalla stessa in buona parte dell'Italia.
Vi invito a provare questi articoli, I'll see for yourself the validity ... is not a coincidence that in recent months thanks to them have been made several catches in the vicinity and over 30 kg !
soon as possible I will try to provide comprehensive information about new products marked Carp baked Zone in 2010.
For now, I thank the dear Franz for the space allotted, and I wish good luck to all those who read this article

Andrea Beloved
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